Ouachita Green is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving natural beauty, protecting the environment, preventing blight, litter abatement, promoting environmental education, and planning and participating in community enhancement projects that make Ouachita Parish a cleaner and greener community to live in.
Serving as the umbrella organization for Keep Ouachita Parish Beautiful, Keep Monroe Beautiful, Keep West Monroe Beautiful, and the Town of Sterlington. Ouachita Green provides organization and planning for beautification projects, litter abatement, fundraising events, and educational efforts for these three affiliates.
Volunteers are the spirit of our organization. The commitment of time and effort dedicated to the community through Ouachita Green volunteers and partnering organizations is a testament to the tremendous residents of Ouachita Parish.
While we are locally focused and locally active, our efforts combine to become part of a larger state and national movement. In partnership with Keep Louisiana Beautiful & Keep America Beautiful, our unified efforts will help positively shape the future for generations to come. Join the movement. Be Ouachita Green!
Join our mailing list to be notified of upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!
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